Thursday, January 7, 2010

Now I've Seen It All

Yet another example of the disconnect between retailers and the consumer and a brazen disregard for the bottom line. A Peeps Store? Why invent the overhead of having a retail operation when you can sell your product at any grocer or pharmacy in the country...and no, this is not a shopping and educational destination like the Apple Store. Marketing they may say? Not so much in Oxon Hill, MD - it sure isn't times square. We are entering the twilight zone of retail and the twilight of household brands like Macy's & Sears for starters.

Marshmallow Peeps Get Dedicated Store in Maryland

Just in time for Christmas, an iconic Easter candy got a dedicated retail store in Oxon Hill, Maryland.

Marshmallow Peeps, largely associated with Easter, are available for Valentine’s Day, Christmas and Halloween in shapes such as hearts, gingerbread men, black cats, Christmas trees and snowmen. And now Peeps fanatics have a retail location to satisfy all their Peeps-related shopping needs. Peeps & Company (often abbreviated to the Tiffany-eque “Peeps & Co.”) opened a Peeps shop at National Harbor in Oxon Hill, Maryland on Thursday.

In addition to everything one could possibly want that is Peeps-themed, the store also carries merchandise related to Hot Tamales and Mike & Ike, products of the Just Born line of candies. In a statement announcing the grand opening of the location, Just Born indicated the store would offer ” an array of high-quality branded items such as apparel, gear, china and toys within a fun, branded retail location.”

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