Monday, March 29, 2010

Use Your Illusion

Those that can't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, or so the saying goes. When the history lesson is just a year or two old and people let it slip from their memories there is likely a bigger issue at hand than the ability to learn. 2010 is starting to look and feel a lot like 2007.

In this case, most of the world is living under the illusion that governments have the ability to stimulate the economy to avert disaster...that governments can pay for social welfare programs and endless wars...that the party never ends.

The reality is that there is no longer any capital behind the full faith and credit of most governments - it is an illusion.

Watch the video all the way through and take notice of what happens at 1 minute and 50 seconds in. Soon many will see the true depth of the world they are living in.

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