Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hyperinflation Survival Guide

This shouldn't be anything new but further support to our existing strategies - hopefully it doesn't get as bad as they describe below.

Surviving U.S. Hyperinflation will be Greatest Challenge of our Lifetimes

Most Americans don't realize just how fragile life in the United States is. The chains of interdependency have expanded to such a great length, you probably have no idea where the food in your supermarket comes from. Most likely, it doesn't come from local farmers, but rather from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

The rioting and looting after Hurricane Katrina was just a warm up to what is likely to take place during hyperinflation. When the U.S. Dollar becomes worthless, cities and municipalities won't be able to pay their police forces. Without any law and order or food on the shelves at stores, the facade of civilization that exists today will quickly evaporate.

The most important step to take right now is to move away from major cities and into a less densely populated area. The smaller the population where you live, the less problems you will have during hyperinflation. There will be mass exoduses from cities, so you better leave now before the highways resemble parking lots.
Read More Here:

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