Friday, September 4, 2009

The Worst Yet To Come?

Stephen Lendman does a good job below of tying together several prominent, dire forecasts. Unfortunately, the probability that these projections are at least somewhat fulfilled is very likely.

What to do? China is recommending their citizens buy gold and silver.

Remember, in the worst possible scenario one would need to exchange precious metals for goods so make sure you do have some silver.

Predicting Worse Ahead from America's Economic Crisis

by Stephen Lendman

Troubled Times Ahead

On July 14, Egon von Greyerz, Founder and Managing Partner of Zurich-based Matterhorn Asset Management AG, specializing in precious metals and other investments, said "The Dark Years Are Here" and explained why.

Because of "the devastating effects of credit bubbles, government money printing (and) disastrous actions that governments are taking, (upcoming) tumultuous events will be life changing for most people in the world." They'll begin by year end, last for two to three years, then be followed by extended economic, political, and social upheaval, perhaps continuing for two decades.

Greyerz cites three main concerns:
-- exploding unemployment and government deficits;
-- trillions of unreported bank losses and worthless derivatives; and
-- rising inflation, high interest rates, collapsed Treasury bond (and UK gilt) valuations resulting in more money creation, worthless paper, and a "perfect vicious circle (leading to) a hyperinflationary depression followed by the collapse of the dollar and British pound.

America is hemorrhaging financially and economically. Other countries now realize they hold "worthless" US dollars. Reckless money creation achieved short-term hope, benefitted Wall Street alone short-term, elevated world stock markets, and led some to believe the crisis was over when, in fact, it's worsening.

Aside from expected short-lived upturns, "every single sector of the real economy is deteriorating whether it is production, unemployment, corporate profits, real estate, credit defaults, construction, federal deficits, local government and state deficits etc."

In response, the Fed keeps printing money and destroying its value. "This is total lunacy! How can any intelligent person believe that printed pieces of paper can solve an economic catastrophe?"

We're in "the first phase of this tragic saga." Likely by year end, a second more serious one will start. Real unemployment now tops 20%. It hit 25% in the Great Depression with 35% of the nonfarm population out of work and desperate.

"It is our firm opinion that (US) non-farm unemployment levels will reach 35% at the next few years" with all uncounted categories included.

Growing millions with no jobs, incomes, savings, or safety net protections will create "a disaster of unimaginable consequences that will affect the whole fabric of American society" to a degree far greater than in the Great Depression.

Growing unemployment now plagues Western and Eastern Europe as well, and by 2010 will more greatly affect most parts of the world, "including China, Asia and Africa. Never before has there been a global unemployment crisis affecting the world simultaneously." Ahead expect sharp drops in consumption and global trade leading to depression, poverty, "famine and social unrest."

Already, conditions are worse than in the 1930s, but the worst is yet to come. xpect:

-- an extremely severe global depression in most countries with grave economic, political, and social consequences;

-- social safety net protections will end;

-- private and state pensions will likely collapse; and

-- unemployment, poverty, homelessness, hunger, and famine will cause a protracted period of economic, political, social, and institutional upheaval.

If von Greyerz, Panarin, Todd, and others with similar views are right, a deepening, protracted, unprecedented global catastrophe approaches that "will be life changing for most people in the world."


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